I am an assistant professor of computer science at James Madison University. Before joining James Madison,
I earned my Ph.D. from Montana State University where I was advised by Brittany Fasy.
My research interests include algorithms, computational geometry, graph theory, and education.
Selected papers:
- Optimistic Imprecise Watchtower in 1.5D and 2.5D [submitted 2025] joint with Binhai Zhu.
- Trees maximizing the number of almost-perfect matchings [Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 2025] joint with Stijn Cambie, Gunjan Sharma, Stephan Wagner, Corrine Yap.
- Bounding mean orders of sub-k-trees of k-trees [Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2024] joint with Stijn Cambie, Stephan Wagner, Corrine Yap.
- Guarding Precise and Imprecise Polyhedral Terrains with Segments [COCOA2023: Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications] joint with Aakash Dutt, Binhai Zhu.
- Ant and Bear Dance for Dokweebah: Using a Skokomish Story to Engage Middle School Students in Event-Driven Programming [ACM Global Computing
Education Conference 2023] joint with Joseph Chipps, Brittany Fasy, Stacey Hancock.
- Integrating Computer Science into Middle School Curricula Through Storytelling: A Lesson Plan on Beaded Bags of the Columbia Plateau [ACM Global Computing
Education Conference 2023] joint with Barbara Do Amaral, Brittany Fasy, Olivia Firth, Stacey Hancock, Patrick Jeffers, Barbara Komlos, Sweeney Windchief.
- From Curves to Words and Back Again: Geometric Computation of Minimum-Area Homotopy (arxiv) [WADS2023: Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium] joint with Hsien-Chih Chang, Brittany Fasy, David Millman, Carola Wenk.
- From Curves to Words [Computational Geometry: Young Researchers Forum 2023] joint with Hsien-Chih Chang, Brittany Fasy, David Millman, Carola Wenk.
- Catching polygons [Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry 2021] joint with Eli Quist, Anna Schenfisch.
- If you must choose among your children, pick the right one [Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry 2020]
joint with Brittany Fasy, Benjamin Holmgren, David Millman.
Just for fun:
It's a Great Day for Gauss-Bonnet
My CV (updated Feb. 2025).